There is a home contest that happens ever year, and for each year that I’ve entered, I’ve never been able to win. I’ve tried many things, but the judges always give the grand prize to someone else. A friend of mine suggested that I do something to the windows as well if I wanted to have a good chance of winning the home contest. He told me that shutters would be a good eye catching improvement that wouldn’t cost too much. I liked his idea, so I bought some window shutters from a website.
I had already made some other changes to my home to make it a better candidate for getting the grand prize. I added some new paint to the rooms and to the outside. I added a garden with some lovely flowers. I even trimmed my hedges to look like some unique art, which took a lot of time and energy. I really didn’t know what I was doing, but I was able to get some good shapes just by using my eyes and snipping around until the hedges looked like my desired target. I really think that those hedges will be a good starting point for the judges.
On the day of the contest, the judges came to my home and gave everything a look. I was nervous about the whole contest, but I was ready to win if the judges would choose my home. They passed from room to room and looked all over the outside as well. After they went through everything and went back outside, I asked them how my house did. They told me that they would call me with the results. Later on, they called and told me that I had won the contest, and I jumped for joy on the phone.